Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Starting out...

I've come to realize that I think about food A LOT.  I enjoy cooking and baking, which is obvious to anyone who knows me.  I like trying out new recipes, and I like sharing what I have made with others.

I have had a couple people tell me, after seeing all my Facebook posts related to food, that I should start a food blog.  At first I wasn't too sure, but then I started to think more about it.  And once an idea gets into my head, I kind of obsess about it and can't stop thinking about it.

So here goes.  Plus, it's a snow day, which seems like a perfect day to get this going and see what happens.  Most of my recipes come from other sources, with my own tweaks and adjustments.  I will always include the original recipe/source in my posts.  I especially like and (you should check out some of Chef John's videos!). 

Have fun!

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